Chapter 5 (December 25, 1978)


(Click image to enlarge)

Photo credit: Eleanor
(Chapter 5, page 158)

Christmas 1978: our first Christmas as newly-weds. We have been invited to share a feast with Fran and Archie McRae and their 3-generation family. Amazingly, Fran has tamed the chickadees to come and eat from her hand!

Photo credit: Eleanor
(Chapter 5, page 162)

Fran continued to wear the apron I made for her so long ago... and her home made cookies and yummy mint tea meant we were always welcome.

"10 Days in December" is dedicated to her memory.

Photo credit: Eleanor
(Chapter 5, page 168)

On Christmas Day in an attempt to find something familiar and quietly sacred, I share the drawings in this book with Fran's little grandchildren. My most treasured possession "The Christ Child" with illustrations by Maud and Miska Petersham.


See images from other chapters below